What is the difference between a psychic and a medium?
Every medium is a psychic, but not every psychic is a medium. The term medium usually refers to someone who functions as a medium/mediator between people in spirit (passed ones) and human beings. A medium will clearly identify the person with whom they communicate, so you know where the information comes from. A good psychic can give you as valuable information as a medium, but has rarely developed the skill of identifying their source.
How does spirit communication work?
Those in spirit do not have linear time like human beings. This enables them to share useful advice about possible outcomes of current situations. Many things are predestined, but we always have the choice to change our destiny. Life is constantly evolving and changing, and sometimes it takes courage to take that next step. It is predestined that you get the exact information you need right now to gain the trust and knowledge to share more of your true self with the world around you.
What information can I expect from a reading?
A medium usually begins a reading by providing clear evidence that family and friends in spirit are with you. In order to identify themselves, those in spirit will show objects to the medium and/or remind you of activities you would have done together. The medium can continue providing evidence for as long as you like, but usually once the spirits are clearly identified we move on to your current situation. At this point, the medium serves as a translator between the two worlds. It is possible to have a conversation with people in spirit just like any conversation through a translator. The spirits are always very happy to have this channel of communication and are very excited to share their support, love and sometimes their concerns about your current situation. Because the spirit people know what is going on in your life, you rarely have to ask your questions aloud.
How can I prepare for a reading?
There is no real preparation necessary for a reading. If you really look forward to communicating with a certain passed person it is helpful to think of that person plural times in the days before that reading. This can be done in a short prayer where you ask for that person's presence. Also, because the energy and joy of confirmation can be overwhelming at times it can be useful to make a list of questions before hand. This will help those in spirit too because it makes your request for guidance more focused.
To read how other people have experienced their reading click here.
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